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Rapuara o te Whakatōhea

Exciting career opportunities, Join our team Today!

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Ā tātou kōrero - Our story

Te Tāwharau o te Whakatōhea is situated in Ōpōtiki, a coastal town in the sunny Bay of Plenty.

The Trust’s long-term vision ”Ko te kai hoki i Waiaua - to be the food bowl that feeds the world”, confirms the Trusts entrepreneurial spirit, grounded in matauranga (knowledge) which weaves together our future strategic aspirations of being well educated, healthy, socially connected, economically and commercially sound; and living in a thriving environment.

With the recent signing of the Whakatōhea Treaty Settlement, we are about to experience another period of growth. The Settlement will see the return of significant assets which will support numerous developments currently underway e.g. Whakatōhea Aquaculture program, the Ōpōtiki harbour development, and other land-based developments. It’s an exciting time to be a part of our continued success story.

Positions with Te Tāwharau o te Whakatōhea & Te Pou Oranga o te Whakatōhea 

As our organisation continues to grow and invest in the well-being of its people, we need to increase its capacity and skilled capabilities.

If you're motivated by a sense of purpose and have a genuine passion for contributing to the well-being of those in your community, we encourage you to submit your application and become a valuable part of our team.


Get in Touch

Whakapā Mai

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 8.00am-4.30pm

Physical Address

122 St Joh Street, Ōpōtiki 3122


Contact us

Ph: 07 315 61450


Ngā Mihi, e te whānau!

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