for Upokorehe Hapū, Whakatōhea Iwi Pursuant to Sec. 16 (2) of the Māori Trust Boards
Act 1955, if any member dies, or resigns, or is
removed from office, his office shall become vacant,
and the vacancy shall be deemed to be an
extraordinary vacancy.
BALLOT The Extraordinary Vacancy will be held by
ballot and is limited to beneficiaries registered on
the Trust Board Beneficiary Roll as Upokorehe,
selected as voting hapū, and 18 years or older.
Please ensure your details are up to date.
Whakatōhea Beneficiary Roll Beneficiaries who
are 18 years or older and are not enrolled should
complete a Whakatōhea Register of Beneficiaries
application form to be included on the Beneficiaries
Roll. Applica on forms can be accessed from the
website www.whakatohea.co.nz or at the Trust
Board Office, 122 St John Street, Ōpōtiki. NOMINATION FORMS These may be obtained
from the Trust Board office at 122 St John St,
Ōpōtiki. Nomination forms must be signed by
the person who is being nominated (candidate).
For those nominating an applicant, five (5) adult
enrolled beneficiaries must be registered under
the same voting hapū as the applicant. They
must complete the application form, sign it, and
have those signatures witnessed and confirmed
as registered on the Beneficiary Roll by the Trust
Board Secretary. NOMINATIONS OPEN Nominations for the
extraordinary vacancy for membership of the
Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board open on
Friday,15th September 2023. CLOSING DATE The last day for receiving
nomina ons is 4.30pm, Friday, 13th October 2023,
and must be addressed to The Board Secretary. NOMINATIONS RECEIVED In the event that there
are more valid nomina ons received on the closing
date than there are vacancies to fi ll, vo ng will
open on Friday, 27th October 2023, and close on
Friday, 24th November 2023. The Board Secretary
Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board
122 St John Street
PO Box 207, Ōpō ki 3162
D Farrar, Board Secretary