The Māori Affairs Select Committee announced, it is ready to hear the 3rd and final reading of the Whakatōhea Claims Settlement Bill on the 28 May 2024. The 3rd reading signifies the end of the legislative process for treaty settlements, and starts the journey towards tino rangatiratanga for our iwi.
We are moving positively towards Kotahitanga – an aspirational goal driven by our people. As the legislative journey draws to a close, we are setting our sights on the dreams of our iwi - creating our future for our people. Robert Edwards, Chairman, Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board
Recently the Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board has played a supporting role in the treaty settlement and negotiations process. We are now actively working with the new Post Settlement Entity - Te Tāwharau o te Whakatōhea to prepare for transition.
This transition will be significant, said Dickie Farrar (CEO), it includes the transfer from the Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board and Fisheries Trust, all assets, liabilities, and people to Te Tāwharau o te Whakatōhea. We have been preparing the steps required for the past year to enable the transfer to be smooth and cohesive”
The Bill will sit for 40 days. Upon signing by the Governor General the Bill will become an Act, in effect disestablishing the Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board - a significant milestone we are ready for.
Ko te kai hoki i Waiaua. To be the food bowl that feeds the world
Kia rangitira ai ngā uri o te Whakatōhea.
To lift our nation, and to grow and invest in the well-being of our people